Friday, 10 June 2011

The plot is nearly full.

Everything I had in the greenhouse is now planted in the allotment.  This includes...

Brussels Sprouts, calabrese, cabbage, spring cabbage, pak choi, golden chard, beetroot, leeks, butternut squash, pumpkins and courgettes.

The plot has gone from looking sparse and uncared for to virtually full and cared for.

It looks like the blackberry is going to produce a small amount of fruit as are the raspberries.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Damn and Blast!

I was getting on well with the allotment, that was until I damaged my knee.  The Doctor believes I have damaged the soft tissue behind my knee cap.  One thing I have been told not to do is kneel.  Not easy when trying to plant!

Everything is ready to be planted out.  All the brassicas are healthy, as are the chard and squashes.

Now, just need to concentrate getting my knee better and I can get back to it.